No Choice On 9/11

I’m re-releasing this poem I wrote inspired by the horrors of September 11th 2001. I’ve seen practically all footage, raw and uncensored and have read multiple harrowing books. I still feel terrible pain and anger each time I am reminded.

I didn’t know anyone nor am I American.

But I was and still am profoundly affected.

I awaken on eighty nine
No pain no need to whine
A dark square hole before me
No door no need for a key
I crawl forwards and look
No floor or ceiling unless mistook
Snowflakes gently drift down
Yet no coldness or beauty I frown
Arteries of stainless steel
Veins of sparkling cables
Hellfire burns below
Yet snowflakes like fairies above
Confused I stand without pose
Now aware of my broken nose
Slide flayed alive downwards
Or mission impossible upwards
Either way there’s no way
God help me I pray

Those snowflakes…

It’s ash

© Copyright: Sharon Lawson™

7 responses to “No Choice On 9/11”

  1. it was then in 2001 a tuesday
    locked meself outta my house
    had my car broken into and my tape player ripped off
    shit day all the way
    to day
    is the anniversary of the battle of stirling
    william wallace
    sacked york
    and beheaded
    a sodomite
    take that

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I felt the ashes in this…
    and the sense of choice being stolen.

    And that’s a terrific sing, too – one of Madonna’s that I’d not heard before.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much. Yes, it’s a beautiful song surprisingly fitting for such an emotional poem.


  3. It captures a lifetime in but a few fleeting moments. That is some feat, dearest Mouse and the title image is exquisitely chosen.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Is it sunrise or sunset? That’s the thought but sadly it’s the tragedy. A very poignant image 🙏🏻 Thank you Lion, I love how you get my meaning within my work. I wrote this in a spurt of inspiration whilst sat on a deckchair in the blessed sunshine: worlds away from the subject matter… or is it? It’s in our thoughts, memories and we carry these things everywhere we go. I like that though, means we can create no matter where we are sat 🌳

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Beautiful and thought provoking short poem Mouse. From twin towers to ground zero, affecting and breathless.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The snowflakes are ashes, a sight of confusion to her yet beautiful. Thank you Lion, I felt compelled to write this after everything I’ve read and seen. A short poem about her short moment of clarity. This makes you realise tragic incidents can affect people on a global scale.

      Liked by 1 person

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